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Talk of the world Osama Bin laden is Dead: The Navy Seals who Hunted and Killed Al Qaeda Leader and how the top terror has been found in his house

Finally the life of the most wanted and high profile top terror of fbi has been captured and ended the Laden era.

The Navy SEAL team of military was front of the operation and operatives who killed Osama bin Laden in a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan on Sunday night was made up of some of the best-trained troops in the world. SEAL Team Six, the "Naval Special Warfare Development Group," was the main force involved in Sunday's firefight.

On Sunday afternoon Washington time or The daring operation began when two U.S. helicopters flew in low from Afghanistan and swept into the compound where Osama bin Laden was thought to be hiding late Sunday night Pakistan time, or . Twenty to 25 U.S. Navy SEALs disembarked from the helicopters as soon as they were in position and stormed the compound. The White House says they killed bin Laden and at least four others with him. The team was on the ground for only 40 minutes, most of that was time spent scrubbing the compound for information about al Qaeda and its plans.

The Us Navy SEAL team on this mission was supported by helicopter pilots from the 160th Special Ops Air Regiment, part of the Joint Special Operations Command. The CIA was the operational commander of the mission, but it was tasked to Special Forces.

U.S. Navy Sea are the best of the best, Air and Land Teams, commonly known as SEAL Teams, . Their creed is to be "a special breed of warrior ready to answer our nation's call."

President Obama said in his speech today "We are reminded that we are fortunate to have Americans who dedicate their lives to protecting ours," . "We may not always know their names, we may not always know their stories, but they are there every day on the front lines of freedom and we are truly blessed."

Capt. Duncan Smith said that "There are other operations going on around the globe constantly," , The SEAL spokesman who spoke with ABC News.

There was Another SEAL team that was instrumental in rescuing the American captain of the cargo ship Maersk Alabama from armed pirates off the coast of Somalia in year 2009. On that mission, SEAL snipers fired perfect shots -- from the deck of a heaving ship -- to neutralize three pirates, with three bullets, simultaneously. The SEALs began their work in 1942, when military leaders decided to set up an elite team to scout beaches suitable for landing troops in World War II.

The members of Seal team have done all of this in anonymity.It is standard procedure never to identify members of Team Six.

Smith also said."A lot of those missions -- a majority of those missions -- are ones that the public will never know about... and that's a good thing,"

The Us Navy SEALs did hard work in the dark of night, tasked with the most daring, dangerous and important missions. To become a SEAL, those men completed some of the most brutal training regimens ever devised, designed to push the boundaries of even the most able service members. Only one third of recruits eventually become SEALs.

Master chief of the Naval Special Warfare Preparatory School and a SEAL for 24 years,Paul Tharp said, "You have to be able to endure a lot of physical pain and sometimes emotional pain, and you just have to dig deep. It's an elite organization and so it can't be for everybody.

Smith also said "What sets SEALs apart is our diversity in terms of the environments in which we operate,but also "We operate at 10,000 feet in the Hindu Kush Mountains. We operate in desert regions in Iraq and elsewhere. We operate in jungles throughout the world."

The Navy stands on challenge what makes this team differ from others .As of 2009, there were 2,500 active duty SEALs. With the expanding war on terror and missions in 30 countries, the Navy needs more, but finding young men who can meet the SEALs'

The Senior Chief Hans Garcia,a SEAL recruiter said "We are not looking for cocky kids,", but also "The perfect person would be a candidate who is remarkably physically fit, but is pretty humble, an analytical thinker, a problem solver -- someone who is very value-oriented, patriotic, puts service above self."

Osama Bin Laden Killed in Pak